Effective removal of TVX virus
Tulip Virus X (also referred to as TVX or TVX virus) is a particularly tough virus to control for flower bulb growers, especially in tulip forcing. The virus is difficult to recognise and causes light stripes in the flowers and leaves, and can spread in various ways. This can be through the soil, through water, and also in mechanical processing, including the pin trays.
Careful cleaning prevents spreading
With Limex, we are committed to high product hygiene and protecting crops from viruses, bacteria and fungi. Improving production hygiene reduces product spoilage. This results in a higher output for the same inputs such as raw materials, energy and labour. Our washing machines make it possible to safely use reusable cultivation trays (such as pin trays) several times per season without leaving a virus behind that could infect future tulips or bulbs. Pythium is also successfully removed from the pin trays. See how our crate washers can help you achieve a healthy product and better operating results.
Laboratory research proves effectiveness of Limex machine
In the past we have conducted research into the effects of different washing processes with a Limex washer on controlling the TVX virus. This showed that intensive cleaning in combination with soap or a disinfectant resulted in effective removal/killing of the tulip virus present.
Read more about the tests we conducted in cooperation with Groen Agro Control.